Game Hierarchy

Game Hierarchy

A downloadable PDF file Guide to all the levels of games to which a referee can be assigned: youth, high school, college, amateur, and professional.

How to Use the Guide

As a Referee

You should work the highest level of game that you can. When assignments are made for the same level of game, the referee will work the game that was assigned first. Share your referee goals with your assignors so that the assignors can work with you to make assignments that will enhance your career path.

As an Assignor

Work together to make sure that the highest level game has the most appropriate referees. Be ready to release referees that call to request a release in order to work a higher level game.

How it Works - Example

If a referee has accepted an assignment for a competitive youth game and an assignment arrives for a Division Three College game, the referee should refer to the sheet and see that the college game is a higher level game than the youth game. The referee should work the college game. The referee will contact the assignor for the college game to explain the situation, then contact the assignor for the youth game to request being released from that game. According to the Game Hierarchy, the assignor of the youth game will release the referee from that assignment so that the referee can accept the assignment at the higher level.