Request a Clinic
If you would like to host a First-Time (Grassroots) Referee Course in your area, fill out the form below and the State Director of Instruction (SDI), Alec Clark, will contact you.
The IRC will make every attempt to honor requests from clubs, referee associations, assignors or mentors / referee coaches as the schedule permits. This instructor-led, in-person Referee Course lasts a half day, e.g., 9:00 a.m. to noon on a Saturday. As the clinic sponsor, you need to guarantee 10 paid participants, otherwise you must make up the cost difference. You also need to provide a classroom with tables and chairs and a field or area where on-field exercises can be conducted. The instructor may require a projector and screen for PowerPoint and video, and a white board or flip chart easel with paper.
The clinic sponsor is responsible for advertising the course and recruiting students. A club or organization representative must be onsite during the class.
Request a Clinic Form