Referee Resources

2023-24 Soccer Rules Book

The NFHS offers digital rules publications through NFHS AllAccess where you can access / purchase a digital publication of the 2023-24 Soccer Rules Book. Print publications can be purchased at

2023-24 Soccer Rules Changes

Changes for Spring ‘24 include: clarifying where players should enter / exit the field during a substitution, clarifying deliberate play vs. a deflection for determining an Offside infraction, clarifying that neither accidental nor deliberate hand / arm contact can result in a goal, and defining considerations for denying an obvious goal-scoring opportunity (DOGSO).

2023-24 NFHS Soccer Rules Interpretations

The NFHS is the official source of high school soccer rules interpretations. The situations considered in the 2023-24 NFHS Soccer Rules Interpretations are published in conjunction with the 2023-24 Soccer Rules Changes.

2024-25 Soccer Guide

The 2024-25 Soccer Guide is a comparative study of NFHS and NCAA soccer rules and the IFAB laws of the game. Key NFHS differences extend to substitution, systems of match control, time keeping, throw-ins, penalty kicks, and overtime procedures.

2023-24 NFHS Soccer Rules Presentation

The 2023-24 NFHS Soccer Rules Presentation is required viewing for all high school soccer officials. Subject matter includes the Spring ‘24 soccer rules changes, interpretations and examples; and, major editorial changes and points-of-emphasis for officials.

IMPORTANT: Officials are required to watch the entire presentation online at the IHSAA website in order to receive credit and be eligible for post-season assignments.

2024-25 NFHS High School Soccer Officials Manual

The new 2024-25 NFHS High School Soccer Officials Manual combines the NFHS manual with a visual representation of mechanics through Referee Magazine's exclusive PlayPic® and MechaniGram® illustrations a must have for all high school soccer officials.